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Writer's pictureLucie Tongelová

8 Trends Every Event Promoter Needs to Know in 2024

In the fast-moving world of event promotion, staying ahead of emerging trends is important to ensure the success and relevance of your events. As we get further into 2024, it becomes more and more evident that several key trends are shaping the direction of event management. Here are eight essential trends that all event promoters should be mindful of:

1. Intimate Venues

The trend toward intimate and immersive event experiences continues to gain attention. Promoters are increasingly favoring smaller, more intimate venues that bring in a sense of connection and authenticity among attendees.

2. Livestreaming and Virtual Elements

Artist on a livestreaming

The integration of live streaming and virtual event components has become a vital part of event promotion strategies. Offering remote access to events enables broader audience reach and engagement, complementing traditional in-person experiences.

3. Collaborative Partnerships

Collaborative partnerships across artistic disciplines and cultural spheres are becoming increasingly prevalent. By sharing resources and expertise, promoters can plan diverse event experiences that appeal to a broader audience.

4. Pop-Up Events and Temporary Installations

Pop-up events and temporary installations continue to captivate audiences with their novelty and exclusivity. These experiences add an element of excitement and intrigue to the event world, driving attendance and engagement.

5. Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

The importance of environmental sustainability has brought a shift toward greener event practices. Promoters are implementing measures to reduce waste, minimize environmental impact, and promote eco-conscious behavior among attendees. See our articles on sustainability to ensure you are on the right track.

6. Online ticket presale

People spend a lot of their time online, so allow them to buy tickets in the online world, fast and easily. Many systems help you with that, among them BOOM Events, with our friendly pricing and easy event set-up.

7. Diversity and Inclusion

Promoters are increasingly prioritizing diversity and inclusion in event planning. By inviting a diverse range of voices, cultures, and perspectives, events can foster more inclusive and representative cultural experiences.

8. Community-Centric Engagement Initiatives

Community engagement lies at the heart of successful event promotion. Promoters are actively seeking ways to foster connections, support local initiatives, and give back to the communities they serve.

So, there you have it – eight trends that are making waves in event planning this year. Get ready to spice up your events and keep the fire going!

Let us know if we can help you with your online presale and promo. Check out our other blog posts and let us know if there is any other trend that you see around you.


D. K.
D. K.
Sep 15

Super čtení! Děkuji :) masáže Praha


Jul 18

Радий бачите те, що ми тут можемо поспілкуватися з приводу новин, це неаби як важливо на сьогоднішній день, тим паче, що сьогодні новини стали для нас трохи більшим, а ніж просте джерело інформації. Я можу з повною впевненістю казати, що наразі тільки один новинний портал може публікувати якісні новини, а також усі подробиці щодо свят, завдяки йому, я вже кілька років отримую тільки перевірені та актуальні новини. Таким чином, отримуючи світові новини, а також локальні, я без перебільшення знаходжуся в інформаційному ресурсі цілодобово, що позитивно сказується на моєму розумінні подій. Тому, звертаю вашу увагу на те, що треба завжди прагнути дізнаватися більше та, як результат більш об'єктивніше дивитися на події.


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