Let's explain a few terms in the new Reporting section that may not be clear at first glance.
The following tables can be found in the Traffic section. These terms come from Google Analytics and some of you are familiar with them. For others, we have short explanations to help you understand them.

By source
The By Source table shows from where the visitor came to the site and the specific sites.

Direct means that someone has entered your website or E-shop directly into the URL address bar. So these visitors already know you and you can see how well your branding works by the number of users.
The other terms in this table are easy to understand, so we'll move on to the next section.
By medium
Here you can find out how users reached you, through which medium.

But there are more unfamiliar terms in the subsection By medium, so here is an explanation:
Referrals are links on other people's sites that bring visitors to you. This could be your Instagram profile, a newspaper article about your event, or a Facebook event.
Organic means that someone typed your organization's or event's name into a search engine (Google, Yahoo, Bing...) and found you in the results. However, this is not paid advertising.
Paid is just your ads. They can be further differentiated into Paid Social and Paid Search. Paid Social is ads on social networks, while Paid Search is ads on search engines like Google or Yahoo.
Email are your email campaigns or any mailing-related activities.
CPCs are your paid campaigns in which you use a cost-per-click measurement metric, i.e. cost per click.
None means that Google Analytics does not have information for that visitor.
This can be:
Direct visits, where the visitor enters your website directly (or from a bookmark) in the URL line.
People who use VPNs or browsers with higher levels of privacy.
Bots (which today's internet is full of)
Not set again includes visits that don't have clear tracking parameters or aren't set up well enough.
It may be :
Campaigns that lack UTM parameters that allow you to track the source of the visit.
Technical issues with implementing tracking codes on your site.
This is also where visits from the Direct source can belong.
The other terms should be easy to explain because of their name, but if you have any further questions, be sure to contact our Vanda. She will explain, help, and advise.
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